Fashionably Pregnant Community

Coronavirus Update

Coronavirus Update

Your Health is More Important

What a difference a year makes.
To the exact day, this time last year we opened our lovely little boutique.
Today we have closed the door (albeit temporarily).

Read the article

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If Pubs Did a Baby Quiz

If Pubs Did a Baby Quiz

Let's face it, its going to be a little while until your brain is going to be full of anything other than worry for your baby, so we thought, if only pubs did pub quizzes on new born babies, we'd all stand a pretty good chance of winning!

In case the day ever comes, when we can use of immense new found knowledge of new born babies, here are a few fun facts to add to your memory repertoire:

A Mother’s Intuition is a Powerful Thing!

A Mother’s Intuition is a Powerful Thing!

Everyone will offer advice, but it’s up to you whether to take it or leave it.

Smile, listen patiently, and thank your friends for their advice. Then do what your own gut tells you is the right thing.

You have to do what works for your family. No two babies are the same and you can’t find all the answers written down. A mother’s intuition is a powerful thing.

Believe in yourself, you are doing an amazing job. Take it steady and remember each and everyone of us are winging it.

Welcome to Fashionably Pregnant Community

Welcome to Fashionably Pregnant Community

Being Mums ourselves we understand the troubles of pregnancy, how our confidence can take a battering, not to mention how scary it can be carrying your hold world inside your body. We get it and hopefully this area of the website will help you laugh, learn and love the miraculous journey you are going through.